
Hospitation succesfull! Another new customer is convinced by the remanufactured cryo catheter of Vanguard.

Since the middle of the year 2022, the cryo catheter is being remanufactured from Vanguard and constantly gains a greater community of satisfied customers. In June 2023 two more clinics tested the cryo catheters successfully and were very happy with the results.
19. July 2023
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Hospitation succesfull! Another new customer is convinced by the remanufactured cryo catheter of Vanguard.

Since the middle of the year 2022, the cryo catheter is being remanufactured from Vanguard and constantly gains a greater community of satisfied customers. In June 2023 two more clinics tested the cryo catheters successfully and were very happy with the results. 

Routine and experience at the same time – how our employees experienced a test in clinics

Once the search for a parking space was done and the way to the electrophysiology lab had been mastered, it was time to get out of the suit, right into the scrubs and through the hygienical sluice. Now it’s time for the theoretical part, in which our employees answered all the questions about the remanufactured cryo-catheter. But the most exciting part followed as the procedure began – always with Vanguard consultants aside.

After a successful procedure, the catheter was handed over to the nursing staff, who carefully took care of the pre-cleaning. This includes placing the cleaned products separately in collection bags and storing them in the Vanguard box. By not throwing it into the trash can, the catheter can undergo another life cycles in the spirit of the circular economy.

Clean&Collect Kryo-Catheter

Nice feedback from our customer were also given:

The sustainability goes also beyond the operating theatre for one of the attending staff. One of the physicians is using the holder of the catheters, to attach his own tomato plants.

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