Vanguard AG
Sustainability, economy, safety
Medical remanufacturing restores a used medical device to “as new” functional and safety standards. Medical remanufacturing enables the circular economy within the healthcare sector. Products remanufactured by Vanguard AG help to make hospitals and clinics more resourceefficient while keeping their costs low without compromising on safety or performance.
Vanguard AG extends the product life cycle of a single-use medical device and enables a more sustainable future for the medical device sector. Giving new life to your single-use devices, we protect the planet and its valuable resources.
With Vanguard AG as your partner, the pursuit of sustainability pays off. There are no additional costs involved and infact, medical remanufacturing can lead to cost savings of up to 50 percent.

Using certified state-of-the-art processes, Vanguard AG sets the global standard in medical remanufacturing. We ensure that remanufactured medical devices are restored to “as new” functional and safety standards and fully comply with all EU regulatory requirements.
Vanguard AG is a European medical remanufacturer
Vanguard AG is a European medical remanufacturer based in Berlin. Since its foundation in 1998 Vanguard has pursued the goal of enabling the circular economy for complex medical devices.
For over 25 years Vanguard AG has been setting global standards for medical remanufacturing, empowering healthcare institutions to operate more sustainably.
Offering sophisticated and environmentallyfriendly product solutions, Vanguard AG uses innovative and certified medical remanufacturing processes. With its advanced technology, superior quality and expertise Vanguard AG has established itself as a market leader in Europe. The remanufacturing of cooled ablation catheters and catheters with 3D mapping systems is one of our specialties.
Vanguard AG
25 years
as a market leader in remanufacturing.
1000 customers
university clinics, hospitals and manufacturers across Europe.
275 tons
medical waste avoided.
59340 kg CO2
p.a. saved by remanufacturing single-use-devices.
savings by remanufacturing instead of buying of new devices.
The AMDR (Association for Medical Remanufacturers) is a trade association founded in 1997 that represents the interests of the medical remanufacturing industry globally by emphasising the importance of high quality standards, waste reduction and healthcare cost reduction.

Legal Framework
Here you can find out whether medical remanufacturing is permitted in your country and what conditions may apply.
Management & Board
Ulrike Marczak
Jessica Hiltermann
Supervisory Board
Dr. Oliver Bärtl (Chairman)
Wolfgang Essler
Dr. Nicole Strüngmann