
Reusing instead of throwing away: Remanufacturing vs. recycling for a greener hospital

Vanguard AG has been a sponsor of ZUKE Green about a half year – ZUKE Green is a community for sustainability in healthcare. ZUKE's mission is to inform stakeholders in inpatient healthcare by organizing groups, chats, news feeds, and events for an interdisciplinary and easy way to exchange knowledge about sustainability.
17. April 2023
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ZUKE Green Blog – Reusing instead of throwing away: Remanufacturing vs. recycling for a greener hospital

Vanguard AG has been a sponsor of ZUKE Green about a half year – ZUKE Green is a community for sustainability in healthcare. ZUKE’s mission is to inform stakeholders in inpatient healthcare by organizing groups, chats, news feeds, and events for an interdisciplinary and easy way to exchange knowledge about sustainability.

We uploaded a post for the blog on the topic of “Reusing Instead of Throwing Away: Remanufacturing vs. recycling for a greener hospital.”

The amount of generated waste in German hospitals is extremely high. It is approximately five to six kilograms of total waste per day and per hospital bed. This clarifies that the use of single-use medical products is not very environmentally friendly.

But there is hope: experts believe that hospitals can drastically reduce their CO₂ emissions and resource consumption if they minimize disposable medical products and implement energy-saving measures. In order to achieve the goal of climate neutrality by 2030, there are many things that can be implemented. One of them is to extend the life cycle of medical devices. Around 71 percent of CO₂ emissions within the healthcare sector are from the manufacture of these items and their supply chains for the largest share.


You can read our full article at the link below:

>> Link to the ZUKE Green Blog and our post “Reuse Instead of Throw Away.”

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