
Circular Economy in Hospitals: Medical Remanufacturing Making Healthcare Greener

An editorial article in the specialist journal "Medizintechnischer Dialog" (MTD) highlights the role of the circular economy in the healthcare domain and underscores the significance of Medical Remanufacturing.
28. August 2023
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Circular Economy in Hospitals: Medical Remanufacturing Making Healthcare Greener

An editorial article in the specialist journal “Medizintechnischer Dialog” (MTD) highlights the role of the circular economy in the healthcare domain and underscores the significance of Medical Remanufacturing. Ulrike Marczak, CEO of Vanguard AG, together with Cassie Kübitz-Whiteley and Carsten Brunkow-Novotny from the Association of Catholic Clinics in Düsseldorf (VKKD), elaborates on how hospitals can effectively reduce their carbon emissions and minimize their environmental footprint through reprocessing of medical products.

The approach of Medical Remanufacturing facilitates the restoration and reuse of single-use medical products. The article showcases tangible instances of the implementation of medical remanufacturing. It also presents successful case studies, and discusses the limitations and potential advantages of circular economy principles within the medical sector.


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